Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tarzan vs Henry H. Houston (Chapter 2)
Henry H. Houston: Tarzan is my prisoner, beaten and chained in a steel by Harry H Houston, adventurer. My two assistants wait outside of the cage as I begin breaking the mighty savage. I hang from the top of the cage and lift my feet, driving my hard boots into your abs. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!
Tarzan: OOOFFFHH! UMMMPH!! Tarzan flexed his midsection but your boots were harsh, your kicks got enought power to penetrate Tarzan's six-pack and air was forced out of Tarzan's lung. The jungle hunk mouthing an 'O' expression.
Henry H. Houston: I drop down then caress your abs softly. You feel my hot breath on your neck as I rub your red abs. I'm find a tender spot then step back. I pound my fist into that spot. I pound your body over and over again until you sag from the chains that bind your arms.
Tarzan: You momentarily stopped and Tarzan gasped to catch his breathe.. he relaxed his abs a little feeling you rubbing it. Suddenly, a quick strive caught Tarzan off guard. OOOUACCCKKK!! COUGH COUGH! Then you unleashed a barage of punches! Tarzan jerked at the direction your fists dictate only able to offer the minutest of resistance..
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Henry H. Houston (Chapter 1)
Henry H. Houston: Harry is a bull of a man - 6'2" and 250-lbs of burly muscle. Think one of those vintage muscleman physiques. That's probably the image I'd use. Of course, as a great adventurer, he would want to wrestle Tarzan down barehanded, not use any fancy traps or tools. Just man vs. apeman. Tarzan manages to catch a glimpse of Mr. Houston at his camp. You have no idea what's going on, but you're suspicious. You see several white men and a few natives setting up camp. Of particular note, you see two cages made of metal - heavy and stronger than anything you've ever seen. One is tall, as though for a gorilla, but there are chains hanging from the top and bottom. The other lies flat, as though for a lion. It also has chains attached. You haven't been able to get too close, yet, but it certainly looks like a hunting camp. Mr. Houston stands out to your keen jungle sense as clearly the leader with his imposing physique and natural aura.
Tarzan: from Tarzan intel in the jungle ranger, it is indeed a hunting party. The natives are also aware of the activities. They communicated this to Tarzan and went to your camp to end this hunting party before it starts. Tarzan from the forest canopies scrutinized the unfolding camp below. From the tales of the jungle rangers and the natives, he is certain that he must put a stop to this hunting party as early as now before any animals get captured or hurt. And he will do it like how he had done this before, intimidate the enemy with his enemy with his musculature and skill. Tarzan pumped his chest and bellowed his signature jungle yell. AAAAHHHHHAAAAAHHHHHAAAHHHH!!! The shout echoed around the area as the people below looked around then up to the jungle hunk. Tarzan grabbed a vine and swung below landing gracefully near the one he deemed as the leader of the camp. From the looks of him, he seemed to be an able fighter. "If you intend to harm any animal in this jungle, leave now or suffer my wrath."
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Ultimate Devil (Primary Level)
Ultimate Devil: Ultimate devil, I challenge you, My power to weaken you with each progressive fuck will slowly destroy you as your tribe watches on in terror.
Tarzan: Tarzan in the middle a tribal camp with the native watching is facing you. His hard and flexed muscles of 6'3" 240lbs 50c/34w/20biceps tensed in anticipation of your first move
Ultimate Devil: I move into the circle and the tribe encloses us, all the men watching, expecting that Tarzan will once again teach the newcomer a lesson. Striding forward with a sneer on my face, in a pair of torn jeans and walking boots. Thick muscled body, 5'9 and 185lbs of tanned beef and a huge thick 8" cock barely contained in my jeans. I know that my power to weaken any opponant when I pump him full of my seed will se tarzan defeated and destroyed.
Tarzan: The both of your encircled is other, estimating each other's strengths. Your are dwarfed by Tarzan's superior muscular physique. And it was just bulk for the jungle hunk, he is also tough and fast. In a flash he ran to you with a lauriat hitting the area of your neck and upper chest. WHAM! The blow knocked you on the ground.
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Kurt
Kurt: solid muscle here 5-10 195 lbs
Tarzan: 6'3" 240lbs 50c/34w/20biceps
Kurt: I cum up real quiet behind tarzan
Tarzan: Tarzan is about to retire and sleep. Tarzan is unaware of a villain lurking behind. He had a long day fighting all the poachers and hunters and he was about to sleep in his tree house
Kurt: tarzan feels my 17" biceps coil round his head like a jungle snake. Headlock into my thick pecs
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Tough Stud
Tough Stud: My crotch swells as your chest expands... jungle hero... champion... i FLEX as well.. smaller but more chiseled, defined features.. then suddenly land a sharp KNEE strike to your solar plexus, knocking the wind out of you!!!
Tarzan: NGGGHH! Tarzan grunted as air was forced out of his lungs. The jungle stud stumbled a bit backwards from the blow but recoiled back at you and hit his left elbow at your arm socket and subsequently his elbow at your jaw! BAM! BAM!
Tough Stud: UNNGGGHHH.. NNGGGGHHH!! arm gets a hit from the huge guy then y elbow lands at my jaw!! SHIT.. i go with the force of it and spins to the side.. catch my breath and gets to my feet.. shaking the cobwebs out....
Tarzan: "Not done with you yet, cocky twink!" Tarzan trashed talked you as he grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arms around your midsection. He German Suplex you four times! Slamming you backfirst to the ground, each suplex stronger than the last. SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! SLAM!
beat down,
cyber match,
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Tarzan vs The Kid
Tarzan: Tarzan saw this young kid, a bit buff and doing push-ups in front of his tent. At first he looked like some camper until the jungle hunk spied some drilling equipment. The lad aims to research the area for drilling possibilities. This is bad for the jungle, Tarzan thought. He decided to confront him. The jungle champ pounded his chest and bellowed his signature jungle call, AAAAHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHH!!! Tarzan grabbed a vine and swung towards the kid. He landed a few feet in front of the kid. "Who are you? If you come to drilling into this jungle protected by me, Tarzan, I suggest you leave." Tarzan ordered in his deep voice
The Kid: kid jumps to his feet..looking up at you as you tower over him. gives you a glance and takes off his long sleeve pull over... revealing a skin tight shirt...."you made you king of the jungle?"
Tarzan: "I am Tarzan. I am no king but I am this jungle's protector. You and your drilling equipments has no business here. Pack up your things and leave!" Tarzan commanded you as he tensed his muscles showing you his broad chest and chiseled midsection while speaking
The Kid: think your some hot muscled brute...kid moves into Tarzan's space...butting torsos..."you don't command me to do anything! you hear? I am the alpha stud"
Tarzan: The Kid is smaller in stature than Tarzan and the jungle is hardly intimidated at the Kid size. Tarzan went in for a quick knock out. He elbowed the Kid hard in the left temple and another on the right temple. WHAM! BAM!
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Big Steve (Re-match)
Big Steve: steve is in his yellow singlet...his pec jutting out lower half of the singlet stretched tight by steve's thighs
Tarzan: Tarzan himself on his signature loincloth
Big Steve: the blond bomber looking around, massively wide back stretching the singlet tight
Tarzan: Tarzan expands his chest as he stretched and flexed ready for combat
Big Steve: steve walking to the clearing...not seeing tarzan.
Tarzan: hidden behind a tree trunk on the ground
Big Steve: steve drops to do push ups, triceps popping and flexing
Tarzan: Time to strike. Tarzan grabbed a vine and swung towards Steve. He landed on Steve's back. WHUMP! Grabbed the arms on pulled them. CAMEL CLUTCH! STRETCH! BEND!!
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Big Steve (First Match)

Big Steve: steve turns around....dodging suddenly...what the 'ell???!! your kick skimms the his jaw...stumbling back wards but keeping his feet..."eh ther' stud I ain't wanting any trouble from ya" but steve is ina wrestling stance..cum and get me stud!!! steve's flexing his pecs assessing teh huge muscle jungle man in front of him..steve's starts flexing at you seeing your indecision.
Tarzan: "I am Tarzan, protector of this land. Who are you and what brought you here?" Tarzan asked in a deep voice
Big Steve: Im steve. I provide surcurity for them hunters down yonder. You aint fixing to cause them trouble?
Tarzan: "There will be no trouble if you leave this land. If you dare continue this activity, you will suffer Tarzan's justice. Leave now! Tarzan ordered as he too flexed his muscles, ready for a confrontation
Big Steve: Sorry can't do that...they're gonna be here for at least another day...leaving in couple of days..i m a going to have to keep you from bothering them...steps towards..them poses a massive double bicep shot at you...
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Texas Bear
Texas Bear: Watch as you raise your arms, fingers flickering above your head, teasing me wanting me to accept your challenge to a test of strength....I come to the center.....drop down to a squatting position, swing my long thick leg out as I sweep your legs out from undr you sending you to the mat on your back. I quickly mount you and wrap my 16" bicep around your head as I squeeze it tight in a headlock. "YO LIKE THIS TARZAN? I THOUGHT YOU WERE TOUGH TARZAN!!"
Tarzan: UNNGGHH.. Tarzan wheezed as he felt the pressure of your move. Your strong arms and biceps squeezing his head increasingly every second. Tarzan felt your strength. But he was the champion of the jungle, he knows how to counter such moves. Tarzan pinched the funny bone in your elbow hard! PINCH!!! Until you felt electricity in you arm, loosening your hold on his head. Then Tarzan rolled sidewards and stood up looked down at you on the canvas massaging his jaw and neck a little
Texas Bear: "YEOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW MY ELBOW" Wincing out in pain as you use my funny bone in my elbow to punish me. Your strength makes me brake my headlock as you get up from the mat. I also get up from the mat as I watch you massaging your thick musculre neck. I shake out my arm as I restore feling in it. "COME ON KING OF THE JUNGLE, LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT!!" I hold my hands out in front of me in a wrestler's stance, slwly circling you. Keeping my eyes on you.
Tarzan vs Rex (Attack)
Rex: Rex is white bounty hunter 6'4" 260 lbs all muscle. Rex and his gang have been seraching the jungle for you for some week, but all they've heard to now are the odd call here and there.....Rex sweaty and tired is skinning dipping in a deep pool some way from the camp.....he's just resurfaced and cant beieve his look 'cause walking down a narrow track he spots you....he thinks of swimmming for his gun, but as you walk down the track thinks no this would better fun if I destoryed him with my bear hands.....he slowly climbs out of the pool and slowly starts to follow you enter a clearing in the jungle you hear him and turn round.....Rex stands and walks towards Tarzan....totally nude his hard and muscled body on display.....he looks at your toned body and think he is mine.....
Tarzan: "Who are you and what is your purpose, here in the jungle?" Tarzan asked as he came face-to-face with a nude stranger. The stranger is slightly taller and larger than him, but Tarzan is hardly intimadated. He had encounter men as large or larger than this stranger that is why he is hardly alarmed by his presence nor intimidated by musculature.
Rex: "I have come from England with a mission to save Jane and destroy you Trazan , her father was most clear - kill that jungle boy Tarzan" I flex amy mucles and start to walk towards you...."I have searched hard and long for you, and we meet by accident, now prepare to die Tarzan" I reply
Tarzan: Tarzan had defeated men like you, and Tarzan will defeat you! Tarzan bellowed as he launched himself towards you! Tarzan started with an uppercut which connected to your chin! PUNCH! He then kicked your midsection and you curled forward and Tarzan headlocked you and slammed the top of your head into a DDT!
Rex: I stagger back from DDT but recover, I smile at you "is that all you got boy" I ask I rush you and grabbing you between legs and behind shoulder I lift you on to your side and slam your back hard into a tree, then I swivel and slam you hard into jungle floor....
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs the Ivory King
Tarzan: Tarzan had arrived at the Ivory King's stronghold. Panting a little from the tree swinging he had done, Tarzan's flexed muscles glistened in the sunlight. Grabbing a vine, he swung down the canopy and stood at the center of the camp. Tarzan bellowed his signature jungle call, AAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAHHHH! "Ivory King show yourself! I, Tarzan, champion of the jungle, challenge on a fight to the death!" Tarzan shouted for everyone to hear
Ivory King: I hear your cry from my thrown, many women tending to my every need....push them aside...think who dares challange me...yawn....and shout back 'go away silly man, before I kill you with my hands'...wait to see what you will do.....tribe starting to chant.....
Tarzan: Tarzan charged at you and tackled you in the midsection! The both of you tumbled to the ground. Tarzan took advantage and used his shins to pin you arms to ground and pounded your face with punches! 1...2...3...4...5..6! half a dozen hooks!
Ivory King: shake dazzed head as you punch Tarzan punches me hard....both beside the river in the push down hard on legs and throw you off....get up wait for your next move....
Tarzan: Tarzan positioned himself behind you wrapping his muscled arms around your neck. It was a rear-naked chokehold! Tarzan heard you gasped, choked, ang gagged. If you can't break the hold in a couple of seconds, you'd be out in cold!
beat down,
cyber match,
Tarzan vs Ronnie
Tarzan: Tarzan stood in the canopy, the day has just begun. The sun shone in the sky, the play of light and shadow accentuated the jungle man's sculpt muscles. Tarzan swung from tree to tree his 6'3", 240 lbs frame showed strength and nimbleness. Finally he stopped at an encampment of poachers. The natives have reported of a certain Ronnie Coleman and his poachers and Tarzan have come to visit their camp to put an end to their activities. He would talk to he leader, arrest him if he does not coordinate. Stealthily, Tarzan disabled and knocked out the guards and went to the main cabin. He saw the man called Ronnie inside. Tarzan went in and closed the door behind him. He was going to talk to this leader man-to-man.
Ronnie: Ronnie was looking on some maps when Tarzan came into the cabin...Ronnie raises a glance over Tarzan...a bit surprised by the jungle man...but he put himself together...well well well...look who is you want to join us Tarzan? or what are you doing here? ...
Tarzan: "I am here to put and end to this." declared Tarzan. "Stop these activities and return to where you came from" he continued "Or suffer the wrath of Tarzan, champion of the jungle!" Tarzan finished his voice booming with authority
Ronnie: cant stop me king of the jungle...just dare to stop it and you wont live to tell the story...
Tarzan: "Well you give me no choice." said Tarzan as he charged at Ronnie. Tarzan tackled Ronnie to the ground. Tarzan's shins pinned Ronnie's arms and pummeled the black hulk. 1.. 2.. 3. 4.. 5.. 6, Tarzan alternately did hooks with his left and right hands, jarring Ronnie's head. Ronnie was dazed at the swiftness of Tarzan punches. Tarzan released his pin and picked up Ronnie into a suplex. Slam! Ronnie hit the wooden floor withi his back. Tarzan picked up Ronnie again and German suplex him. Wham! Slam! Slam! Tarzan did the German suplex four consecutive times! Tarzan picked Ronnie and threw him outside through the window. He was going to show Ronnie's underlings how he finish of their leader
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